River Family Wellness

Chiropractic health care focuses primarily on spinal function and its relationship to the muscular and nervous systems, and overall health. The science of chiropractic is based on the premise that good health depends, in part, on the normally functioning nervous and muscular systems. Chiropractic principle emphasizes that the body is a self-regulating, self-healing organism and that body function is controlled and coordinated by the brain, spinal cord and the nerves that branch throughout the body. The chiropractic approach to better health is to locate and remove spinal dysfunction and nerve interference, returning the body to its natural state of health and wellness.
Dr. Brandt and Dr. Burns enjoy providing comprehensive chiropractic care to any patient looking to improve from injury, improve their daily physical being, or improve their athletic performance. Both Drs. believe that muscle rehabilitation accommodates joint health. Care often includes muscle work (massage, trigger point, Graston, ART, electric stimulation, etc) and muscle rehabilitation (stretching and strengthening) along with joint manipulation (Diversified Adjustments, Segmental Flexion and Distraction, Drop, Activator, etc). Adjustments are not necessary but are encouraged as part of the comprehensive health plan. Chiropractic goes well with other services offered at River Family Wellness to promote overall well being and physical health.
Please email or call to see if we accept your insurance plan: callicoonchiropractic@gmail.com 845-887-3000
Conditions we treat include, but are not limited to:
Neck pain and stiffness
Jaw pain
Upper back pain
Shoulder issues
Rotator cuff injuries
Elbow, wrist and hand pain
Numbness or tingling into the extremeties
Low back pain
Pregnancy-related low back pain
Pain and tingling into the legs and feet
Knee, ankle, foot pain
Plantar fasciitis
..and more!
Pediatric conditions - colic, torticollis, trouble latching, constipation, decreased
incidence of colds and ear infections, bed wetting and other sleep issues, improved concentration, and more.